Category Business Strategies

ChatGPT’s Impact on Email Marketing Innovation

Introduction Email marketing has evolved from the plain-text, somber-toned communications of yore to the visually appealing, catchy-copy messages we often find (and sometimes, ignore) in our inboxes today. The recent entrant in this evolutionary journey is Artificial Intelligence (AI), making…

How to Research Industry Trends

crystal ball for research of industry trends

Introduction You know, the entrepreneurial world is kind of like a safari. It’s wild, unpredictable, and every day is a survival test. Now, in this safari, understanding industry trends is like having a GPS that tells you where the watering…

How to Evaluate Competition in Business in 2023

evaluating competition

Introduction: The Competitive Landscape in Modern Business In an era where business landscapes are constantly shifting and market dynamics evolve in the blink of an eye, knowing how to evaluate competition in business becomes a critical skill. Staying ahead of…